Fall Fishing on Codorus Creek and the Yellow Breeches

My brother-in-law, Ron ‘Ol Don Hill decided to come in for a long weekend and do some Fall trout fishing. We couldn’t have picked a better weekend …..early October with temperatures in the 70’s and no wind.

We had most success on Codorus Creek. The stream temperature was 50 degrees and fish were occasionally rising. We caught 22 wild browns using a Crackleback (‘Ol Don’s go to fly) and a #18 caddis.

We spent 1 day on Yellow breeches near Allenberry and another day on the upper section near Huntsdale.  Tricos had the fish looking up. We used various ant patterns, midges and the Crackleback to entice them.

We had beautiful weather. We had lunch each day by the creek. We saw deer, a fox, a mother raccoon with her 3 kids, and caught 38 fish as a bonus. It doesn’t get any better than that.

‘Ol Don on the upper Yellow Breeches

Codorus Wild Brown