Yellow Breeches Jan 12

Well the weather warmed up (50s) so Luke (Coder) and I headed to the Breeches and fished in the afternoon. Bad news – the parking lot below the Pond off Bucher Road was full. While Luke was getting ready I saw midges in the air and a fish rising along the bank in the run (Mountain Creek) below the wooden bridge.  Luke made a nice cast with a Griffith’s Gnat and caught him…..a wild brown. We then managed to find a spot to fish above the Allenberry dam and were happy to see a few fish sipping midges. I had to tie on a #28 gray midge as the fish ignored anything bigger and finally caught one small brownie.  Caught one more in the run on a #22 Adams on the way back. A good start to the 2013 season! Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I fell in crossing the Breeches on the way back. Only years of experience of falling in kept me from getting water in my waders…only a wet sleeve and a sore knee!